Jack's Miniature Jack's Miniature

What a month

What a month and still only September 23! So i guess this is the last 4 weeks from August 18 to September 23.

Go back 4 weeks and i almost lost my job of 20 years, i guess turning 50 means i am now getting closer to the recycle bin. Depression levels through the roof at the start of September but thanks to Sigma Photo Australia doing two model shoots in a month, my mind quickly turned to focus on the important things in life, retirement. More importantly what can i do now to prepare a retirement income source in ten years.

Two weeks ago i found Mark Denney on YouTube, he had worked for 19 years in a corporate job and photography/ YouTube was a hobby. Then he got laid off, fired from his job and left in the same situation as i almost was in a month ago.

His videos from 5 years ago show his mental struggle, his battle to keep a roof over his head and to support his family while struggling to earn money from photography and YouTube. I found his videos moving, i guess they hit a raw nerve in me and i can totally relate to being treated like garbage by the corporate world.

My photo style is unique to me, i am not a landscape photographer, not a wedding photographer and i still struggle for a label but the best way to sum my style up is flaneur photography, i look at the world from the outside and try to record what i am seeing so that its preserved for the future. My love of history and my love of film photography influence my digital images. I don’t like over saturated pictures, i prefer a natural more vintage or film muted appearance.

Taking a few weeks away from the corporate world in October and doing up at least one short film. I have made a story board up for a horror flick that runs under 5 minutes, ideally 4 minutes. A vampire leaves Venice, arrives in Melbourne and over 100 years he stalks the same woman, a lost love from a distant memory. The woman is actually three generations of the same family, great grandma then 30 years later the mother and finally the daughter. All woman will be the same age when the vampire finds them and all 3 are being played by a very talented young model i have met through Sigma.

One thing that is trending is AI, it dominates everything these days, shorting short films gives me the chance to use green screen and AI together to recreate Venice 18th century without actually going back in time.

The image attached is Port Phillip bay Melbourne and a Venice AI building with a Melbourne sky photo, all three merged together for the short film cover / opening shot.

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Jack's Miniature Jack's Miniature

Melbourne in Monchrome

Melbourne in monochrome using a 1976 film camera.

First run with the Pentax MX in the city of Melbourne, so i went and sort out the old arcades, buildings with curves. Leading lines and higher contrast is more noticeable when using black and white film.

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