35mm and 17mm film photography

17mm film more commonly known as half frame photography was a huge hit in the 1960s and 70s, then it died out as auto focus 35mm point and shoot film cameras took over. Now it is back in vogue due to the cost of film, you get twice as much film for your money with half frame. I shoot with the Olympus ee2 half frame camera, made in 1972 and working like new. 35mm full frame photography is a cheaper full frame than medium format 120 film. I shoot with four 35mm film cameras, for professional magazine work I use the Minolta 303si Alpha it is a 1999 film camera and uses a mount lenses from Minolta and Sony. For artistic work I have near four dozen vintage lenses in K mount and M42 mount, I use these on the Pentax Spotmatic, Pentax MX and the Pentax K1000.

I also do a film mentor course, which helps new film users get the hang of film faster.


Black and White digital